Adobe Lightroom

Online Black & White Post-Production Course

Unlock the Secrets of Monochrome Magic:
Limited Access!

Spring Launch

The Monochrome Journey

Join me on a journey through the timeless art of black and white photography.

Discover the secrets of black and white photography with 11 expert tips that I have curated over my career. Whether you're shooting fashion, landscapes, portraits, or weddings, these insights will enhance your skills and help you create stunning, high-contrast images and understand how and why they work.

This course is more than just learning to edit; it's about transforming your artistic vision into striking monochromatic masterpieces. Enroll now and start your journey into the captivating world of black and white photography.

"Too often we are not aware that it is the shades of grey that add depth and meaning to the starkness of those extremes.”

– Ansel Adams

This Course Is For You

Creating a more streamlined editing process is your goal: You can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your editing process.

This course is for you if you want to learn by watching, Those that learn best by seeing ideas translated into visuals will find this method to be very beneficial.

The course provides an in-depth understanding of key Lightroom features that are essential for any genre of photographer looking to improve their post-processing skills.

Learn from the Best: Gain insights from James Nader a professional with 20+ years in the industry.

Learn to Visualise in Black and White, training your eye to see beyond colors and understand the power of tones.

Unique Techniques: Explore the modern application of Ansel Adams' Zone System in digital photography and the daily applications

Practical Skills: From monochrome conversions to advanced Lightroom techniques, master skills that enhance your photography.

Learn Practical Skills and Techniques for overcoming common issues in monochrome photos, ensuring your images are never flat or uninteresting.

Why Would I Need This Course and Is It The Right Course For Me?

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It's All About Quality of Image, Not Quantity of Images.

Embark on a Soul-Stirring Journey into the Art of Black and White Photography: Unveiling the Mystique and Timelessness of Monochrome Imagery

Are you ready to transcend beyond basic black and white photography? Many photographers depend heavily on software for their monochrome results. However, the true mastery lies in understanding the art of colour conversion into black and white. It's about envisioning the world in monochrome, predicting the outcome even before you press the shutter.

Included in Your Course

My course offers you this unique opportunity; you will learn how to see and think in black and white, integrating the profound principles of the Zone System. This isn't just an enhancement of your editing skills; it's a complete transformation of your photographic vision.

Don't miss the chance to increase your craft to a level where you control every shade from pitch black to pristine white. Join my course now and level up your black-and-white photography skills like never before!

  1. Transform Your Visual Storytelling with an understanding of light and shadow, enhancing the mood and depth of your images.

  2. Advance Your Professional Profile by specializing in monochrome photography, attracting new clients, and standing out in the industry.

  3. Understand the Importance of 16-bit Editing for smoother transitions and higher quality in black-and-white photography.

  4. Exclusive Access to James Nader's Expertise and Custom Lightroom Presets tailored for black-and-white photography enthusiasts.

  1. Master Technical Skills for transforming color images into impactful black-and-white masterpieces using Lightroom and Photoshop.

  2. Gain Insights into High-Quality Black & White Conversions, exploring techniques from basic to advanced in Lightroom.

  3. Network and Grow within a community of passionate photographers, exchanging ideas and fostering collaborative learning.

  4. Explore The Zone System in detail, learning how to manipulate light, exposure, and tonal range for expressive black-and-white photos.



21 In Depth Video Modules

Adobe Lightroom's ability to transform colour images into stunning black-and-white masterpieces makes it an indispensable tool for photographers. The 21 video modules, complemented by transcripts, quizzes, and multiple-choice questions, offer an
in-depth, interactive learning experience to guide photographers through each step of the conversion process, enhancing their artistic vision and technical skills. The practical, hands-on approach ensures a deeper understanding of monochrome.


Become an Expert in Black & White Editing & Creating Beautiful imagery and take your business to the next level.

  1. Understanding and manipulating images using brightness, contrast, and texture can significantly impact the artistic quality of your photographs. These skills are crucial for photographers who want to create more compelling and visually striking images.

  2. By mastering these tools, you can streamline your editing process, making it more efficient and effective. This is particularly beneficial for professional photographers who deal with large volumes of images.

  1. Transform Your Visual Storytelling with an understanding of light and shadow, enhancing the mood and depth of your images.

  2. Gain Insights into High-Quality Black & White Conversions, exploring techniques from basic to advanced in Lightroom.

    Exclusive Access to James Nader's Expertise and Custom Lightroom Presets tailored for black-and-white photography enthusiasts.

Perfect Fine Art Black & White Images from Colour

  • Fundamentals of Monochrome Photography:

  • Adobe Lightroom Techniques:

  • Creative Vision in Black and White:

  • Post-Processing Secrets:

  • Real-World Applications:

Picture by James Nader of Petra Nemcova.
Camera: Hasselblad 50- 110mm

Why Will These Video Modules Help Me, A Budding Photographer?

  1. Comprehensive Learning: The extensive number of modules indicates a thorough exploration of the topic, providing learners with a deep understanding of black and white conversion techniques.

  2. Specialisation in Adobe Lightroom: Lightroom is a popular and powerful tool for photographers. Learning its specific features for colour conversion, as your modules offer, is valuable for those wanting to master this software.

  3. Practical Application: Your modules likely include practical examples and step-by-step instructions, which are essential for hands-on learning. This approach helps photographers to not only learn the theory but also apply it effectively.

  4. Versatility in Skills: By learning to convert color images to black and white, photographers can expand their creative options and develop a more versatile skill set, which is crucial in the diverse field of photograph​​​y.

  5. Technique Improvement: Techniques specific to black and white conversion, such as managing shadows and highlights, can also improve a photographer's overall editing skill​​s.

For Photographers Who Like, Fashion, Portraits, Weddings, Landscapes & Street Photography

Learn to Take Control Of Your Images With Expert Knowledge From Industry Photographer James Nader

Here's What Other Photographers Have To Say

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Clarice Turner

”Every day, they strive to improve their service to the clients by developing the right blend of technology and creativity to make sure every job done is done as efficiently as possible.”

- Brian Moten

Predict the future by creating it

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Intro - James Nader

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Intro - James Nader

Intro - James Nader

Intro - James Nader

Intro - James Nader

Intro - James Nader

This is where you begin to get the
details and learn who james is..

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